Q: How much do our service cost?
Only $99 a month
Get your service started today for just $125. You’ll get a consultation / welcome call, have your own secured account set up online for you to view our progress. You'll also receive a copy of your credit analysis via email. Once you sign up, we'll get to work right away for you. After the first 30 days, if you like the service and want to continue, you'll be charged $99 the second month of service.
Q: Can collections be removed?
You bet! We have had tremendous success challenging collections and removing them from your credit report.
Q: Can repossession be removed from my credit report?
Yes, our proven methods of dispute can remove repossessions. Repossessions are difficult to remove, so the percentage of removals would not be as high as a simple late payment for example. However, there is no action step or approach that we won't take.
Q: Can foreclosures be removed from my credit report?
Yes, foreclosures can be removed. Although they are very difficult, we again take every step possible to do so. Keep in mind that all public records remain "public records" however.
Q: Can late payments be removed?
Yes, our methods of disputing have proven to remove any type of late payment whether it is 30, 60, 90, or 120 days late. We see more late payments being removed than any other negative item.
Q: Can bankruptcies be removed from my credit report?
Bankruptcies are public records, and tend to be in most cases the most difficult to remove if they are still within 7 years old. Our service has been known to remove them with an impressive success rate with past customers.
Q: I just signed up, what happens now?
Q: What Is Credit Repair?
Credit repair refers to the process of improving one's credit score by addressing and resolving negative information on a credit report. This is typically done by disputing inaccurate or outdated information, settling outstanding debts, and taking proactive steps to build a positive credit history. We can help anyone that need to repair and rebuild their credit.
Q: Can bad credit be legally repaired?
You are ultimately responsible for ensuring that your credit report is accurate, laws were enacted -- specifically the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) -- to assist you. The FCRA gives you the right to contact the credit bureaus directly to dispute items on your credit reports. You can dispute any and all items that are inaccurate, untimely, misleading, biased, incomplete or unverifiable. Any item that cannot be verified on your credit report must be deleted.
Thousands of people have legally and successfully restored their credit and increased their credit score simply by enforcing their own legal rights. This type of process can be done individually if you have the time, and of course the patience, for the learning curve involved.
Why Is A Good Credit Score Important?
A good credit score is important because it affects your ability to obtain loans, credit cards, and favorable interest rates. It can also impact your ability to rent an apartment, secure insurance, or even get a job in some cases. A higher credit score generally indicates to lenders that you are a responsible borrower.
How Do I Check My Credit Score?
You can check your credit score through various credit reporting agencies such as Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. There are also websites that offer free credit score monitoring services. Under U.S. law, you're entitled to a free copy of your credit report from each of these agencies once a year.
What Are Some Common Factors That Can Negatively Impact My Credit Score?
Factors that can negatively impact your credit score include late payments, high credit card balances, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and collections. Opening multiple new credit accounts in a short period can also have a negative effect.
How Long Do Negative Items Stay On My Credit Report?
Different types of negative items have different reporting periods. Generally, late payments can stay on your report for up to seven years, while bankruptcies can stay for up to ten years. However, their impact on your credit score lessens over time.
Can I Repair My Credit On My Own?
Yes, you can attempt to repair your credit on your own by reviewing your credit reports, disputing inaccurate information, and making efforts to pay off debts. It's also essential to establish good credit habits, like making on-time payments and keeping credit card balances low.
Are There Credit Repair Companies That Can Help Me?
Yes, there are credit repair companies that offer to help you improve your credit score. However, it's important to do thorough research before choosing one, as there have been cases of scams and unethical practices in the credit repair industry. Legitimate companies can assist in the dispute process and offer guidance, but they can't guarantee specific results.
Can I Remove Accurate Negative Information From My Credit Report?
It's generally challenging to remove accurate negative information from your credit report. However, you have the right to dispute any inaccurate or outdated information with the credit reporting agencies, and they must investigate those disputes. Items reporting inaccurate untimely, not complete, or erroneous must be removed.
How Long Does Credit Repair Take?
The time it takes to repair your credit can vary depending on the severity of the negative items and your efforts to improve your credit habits. Some improvements can be seen in a few months, while significant changes might take a year or more.
Remember that credit repair is a gradual process, and building a positive credit history requires consistent effort and responsible financial management.
How Much Will My Score Increase?
It all depends. No two credit histories are the same. That said, depending on the situation, we've seen increases as large as 200+ points. This means that improvements we make on one client's credit may or may not improve the score as much as another's. We've seen scores go up 200+ points, and others just may get a 50 point boost they may need to qualify for their home loan. Everyone results will vary, you can be certain that we will get you the best results possible. With our satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose.
The length of time to see these results varies, based on several factors such as the number of negative items, the complexity of the dispute process, and the client's compliance with the credit repair process. On average, it can take anywhere from 1-6 months to see significant improvement.
Q: What is a good credit score?
A good credit score is typically considered to be 700 or above. However, the definition of a good credit score can vary based on the algorithm of the loan, or credit product you are seeking.
Q: Who can see my credit report?
Our credit service specialists are the only ones who will see your credit reports, view our privacy measures within our privacy policy—your information is safe and secure.